Hanadate; I'm sorry for almost being eaten by the spiderlady, please take these cookies.
~ Zakuro is thinking about what the Black Widow said about her mother.
~ Zakuro asks Kushimatsu about her mother but she won't say anything yet.
~ Ganryu is upset about being useless against the Black Widow.
~ I feely type episode to "relax" from the Episode 5 Mission.
The Twins Story; Bonbori and Hoozuki were kept alone in a dark cave when they were much younger. A woman from a nearby town would from time to time bring them food and clothes. They were told not to leave the cave during the day and not to approach any other humans.
One day the woman stopped comming, Night after night they would search the forest for her but she was never found. The one day a man showed up at the cave, a very angry man yelling about how they were the reason his wife was killed. As he was trying to kill them with a garden tool {rake?} they ran from the cave into the daylight...running and running one of them tripped and fell. This trip allowed the man to catch up to them and just as he was about to kill them, Kushimatsu saved them. {Not sure what happened to the man.}
Kushimatsu took them to meet Zakuro and Susukihotaru, They were taught to talk and read... During the time in the cave they didn't even realize they could talk... ;.;
They explain to Ganryu how they didn't want to have to hide in the background while they lost someone they loved again.
Episode 7~ Zakuro goes to meet Agemaki's parents, Posing as his "assistant" and as a human. It's also revealed why Agemaki is afraid of spirits....
This is Tae, She's apparently one of the servants that work at Agemaki's familys home. She also seems to have a bit of a crush on her "Young Master."
Agemaki's father doesn't particularly care for Half Spirits so... Zakuro ends up having to hide her ears the entire time.
Kumiko, Agemaki's little sister.
Agemaki's father...
Zakuro has dinner with Agemaki's parents, sister and their cat... Nearly the entire time his father is ranting about the spirits.
Now, Why is Agemaki scared of spirits... When he was younger he woke up to one in his room and is scared, Crying he runs to his dad who scolds him for being scared by a spirit and that's pretty much it. What makes it even worse is his cat suddenly vanishes and everyday for a long time he looked for it...
Turns out that the cat was the Youkai that he was afraid of, When cats are loved they turn into cat demons. Now that Itsue is a demon Agemaki can't see her.... Zakuro can however and she gets Itsue to turn to her little demon form for Agemaki...
When they are leaving Agemaki's mother pulls Zakuro aside and apologizes for her husbands behavior... She can tell Zakuro is a half-spirit...
I really hope next week it's back to battles... this character stuff is getting a little boring.
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