Episode 1 ~ It's the meet and greet episode.... We have the main {only?} male, a harem of women, his older sister and the IS.
IS Academy; The worlds only educational institute thats soul purpose is to train IS Pilots.
Infinite Stratos; Developed 10 years ago it was originally intended to operate in space but that development was halted. Due to the Alaska Treaty it cannot be used for military purposes so currently... it's used for sports type competition. Only females can pilot/control the suits until....
Chifuyu Orimura; Ichika's older sister and ex first generation Japanese IS Pilot, She suddenly retired and disappeared. She's now Ichika's teacher.... and quite scary.
Ichika Orimura; The first and only male who can pilot an IS, He's at his first day at the IS Academy and is of course the only male student in his class/school. His sister who he seldom sees is his homeroom teacher, a childhood female friend a classmate and roommate, he's surrounded by girls who seem quite curious about him and he is totally lost in class. {He didn't read his ref book, he threw it away.}
On his second day, He's challenged to a dual.
Houki Shinonono; Ichika's childhood friend whom he hasn't seen in six years. She's a national champion in Kendo and seems very nervous around Ichika. Her reaction to Ichika being her roommate was rather comical {she attacked him with a kendo stick} I'll take a safe guess that she'll end up being the romantic interest.
Cecillia Alcott; She's British and she's full of herself. When Ichika is the only one nominated for Class Rep she throws a fit... starts to insult Ichika and Japan in general. When Ichika insults British food she takes it as an insult to her country and challenges him to a duel.
Of course Ichika puts his foot in his mouth while he accepts the duel but...yea.. Next Episode Fight!
Favorite Line; "People say if men and women were to have a war, It wouldn't even last three days."
Words; Seems to be nothing really special; Harem, Mecha... The normal stuff really.
Episode 2 ~ There was a wait on the battle, Turns out Ichika didn't have an IS yet and they were waiting for his own "personal" one to be delivered. This wasn't necessarily a bad thing... it gave Houki time to train him {spend time with him}, When the senior butt into their conversation at lunch to offer him training I thought Houki was going to beat her up.
After a week of Kendo training the set date for the duel has arrived... waiting and waiting Ichika's IS finally arrives at the Arena. It's name is Byakushiki... he takes to it pretty fast and flys off to fight Cecillia, Her IS Blue Tears is a long range unit and the fight was pretty one sided for most the match. Of course the one sidedness sort of stops after his IS enters it's first shift mode {It had been configuring to him the whole time} First shift came a little too late though, His dinky sword turns into a weapon like his sister use to use Yukihira 2 and as he activates it.... it saps up all the energy from his shield power and he looses just before he can strike Cecillia.
Conclusion? Cecillia gets to be the Class Rep. Houki gets to train Ichika more in both IS and Kendo and it looks like Cecillia might like Ichika too.
IS Tidbits; There are only 467 Infinite Stratos Units in the world, Only one person knows how to make their core and this one person is Tabane Shinonono. Yep, Houki's older sister.... Noone knows where she is and she will not make more then the set amount.
Only high-class companies and country reps get their own personal IS, Ichika more then likely gets a special one before he's the only male pilot.
Words; I am still a little on the fence about this series, It's just "okay" so far and nothing is all that special about it. From the preview for the third episode there's another girl from Ichika's past that's going to show up...
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