
Sunday, October 24, 2010

I Don't Wanna Shop.

Think I over did the last post, it just went on forever. I'm gonna have to rewatch the eleventh episode before watching the twelfth though... Anyways... That will have to wait for today...

I go shopping.

Meh, I may be the only girl in the world who hates clothes shopping.  Need new pants though, My old ones are either worn out, too baggy or the legs have shrunk. I swear the bottom of the pants come up above my ankles now, WTF is with that?  That's what I get for getting cheapo pants.
    I could also use some new shirts and pajamas but, that will have to wait.

There are so many things I "need" to do recently but, nothing I really want to do. Forcing myself to do certain tasks is damn near impossible. Like, I need to straighten up my room... I need to force myself to learn to drive... I need to find some sort of job... I need to start looking into more schooling.. The list goes on and on and on... Uhg.   I need a psychiatrist, Can't keep medicating myself on Anime and Manga.

 I can proudly say I've obeyed my no manga buy {other then Finder 1} since September 26th when I bought the early releases of Demon Sacred 1 and 2.  That's nearly a month, Which is very good for me... haha.  Today I may break down and get the Vampire Knight Fanbook if I see it at the mall... It's technically not a Manga... If I asked for it as a Christmas gift people would just look at me funny then I'd end up with some random volume of Vampire Knight that I all ready own.

   Today's Quest; Find some clothes for winter and don't buy manga/anime related stuff.

   Tomorrow; I must start up at the gym again, I've been going but slacking off while there.

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