
Friday, October 22, 2010

Shiki ~ 6 & 7.

I'm all about Shiki right now.....

For the past year I really haven't watched a lot of Anime, Just random ones that I got from Netflix. I'm playing "catch up" with Shiki..

Episode 6~ 
   Back in Episode 5, Natsuno got the postcard that Megumi could never send to him.... He ripped it up and tossed the pieces by the window in which she always peeked. Stalker in life, Stalker in death. She picked the pieces up and that gave away that yes... She's back from the dead/alive.
      I should have given a little more depth to the first five episodes, Certainly five itself... Tohru's funeral nearly brought tears to my eyes.... Back to episode six.
     The doctor has finally cracked, With the arrival of yet another patient with the same symptoms and "bug bites" as many of the other victims he just finally snapped.  Yelling at the patients wife, then the darling little monk Seishin.
      Sunako, Another I never touched on... She's the young girl that moved into the European house with her parents. Having a disease where she can only go out at night she seems to be making friends with Seishin.. If she were a bit older they'd make a cute little couple.  Seishin writes books, Sunako has read them all and he autographed one for her.

Dr. Ozaki and Seishin
    I think the doctor has finally figured it out! Vampires! Risen! Whatever you want to call it are causing the deaths...  He gave one of the sick women a blood transfusion and she "got better" for a little while. Though after a couple days she died... Blood is good.
     Also looks like Megumi's friend Kaori and Akira are close to figuring it out...  Brain Toll - Natsuno, Dr. Ozaki, Aoi and Akira!

Masao and the Librarian...
Episode 7~ Masao, Masao, Oh I ignored you this entire time but my dislike for you was real. I was glad to see you attacked at the end of episode five... and episode six you just lay in your room the entire time dieing. Now at least I know Tohru's brother and sister came to talk to you but you were just too weak to go open your bedroom door, For the Librarian was making you his nom-nom.
    Sadly, You're back from the dead... I hope Tohru comes back as well. You though, Why couldn't you have stayed dead?  They didn't even show your funeral or people finding your dead body, I wonder if your family even cared when they did.
    Tatsumi, Mister blue haired crazy eyed guy.  I like you so far, You're apparently a daywalker of sorts if you're even a vampire. You dug Masao up, You really should have just left him in the ground.
    Now, Let's dig up Megumi with garden spades!!  Kaori and Akira are lucky that Natsuno owns a lot of shovels.

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