
Friday, October 15, 2010

It's 2 AM!

And here I am.

I really need to rethink my postings, an episode by episode account of anime just seems too unrealistic for me. Though I wasn't really planning to do that in the first place... It's more like a guide to what I have watched so that I won't forget.

Sadly, My memory is pretty much crap.

I did however just marathon episodes 1 thru 6 of Eden of the East, With just five more episodes to go I am wondering if they can really wrap it all up in 11 episodes. ANN has the Funimation subbed version on stream, Tried the first episode back when it originally came out via fansub but I apparently didn't get past the naked man with a gun infront of the White House....

The whole Selecao thing is entertaining, The different ways each of them are using their 10 Billion Yen seems realistic enough.  Given that much money it would be difficult not to just spend it on whatever, Having the terms of bettering your country as you see fit with it could make it a bit boring.

At episode six, I am really seeing this with a depressing end though... Is Akira going to die?  I'd really like him to end up with Saki somehow, That Osugi guy is really getting on my nerves.... The use of the word Johnnies has also gone a little over board.. 

Opinions ~  Selecao #4 Detective Kondo was an ass for most of the time he was alive; Trying to steal Akiras money by taking his phone was just low. It looked like he used up his money cheating on his wife... The end result was sweet though.. Go Wifey!
Selecao #5 Doctor Hiura appeared to be a pretty good guy; His money usage went towards medical treatment and machines for his hospital. Focusing heavly on aiding the elderly. He used all his money and was killed by the supporter.
Selecao #11 Kuroha AKA the kinky woman who lops off mens "johnnies" with a cigar cutter. She's a pretty woman, Really on the bitchy side though... Uses her money to clean up after her kills. I didn't quite catch why she likes cutting off guys penises but it probably had something to do with being raped...

Last 5 Episodes tomorrow, Hope the ending isn't suckage.....

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